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基礎信息Product information





SET-Z-042U愛斯佩克ESPEC恒溫箱SET-Z-022R ,SET-Z-032R, SET-Z-042R, SET-Z-102R ,SET-Z-022L ,SET-Z-032L ,SET-Z-042L ,SET-Z-102L ,SET-Z-022U ,SET-Z-032U ,SET-Z-042U ,SET-Z-102U

產品特性Product characteristics

    中國電子行業儀器優質供應商——堅融實業JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 堅友儀器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,專業為中國區用戶提供*進的儀器設備、技術培訓與售后維修服務,Support、銷售Sale、服務Service,3S公司,為上海華東地區一家以技術為導向的儀器綜合服務商,是您值得信賴的電子行業儀器專家。


適用標準:GB/T2423.1 / IEC60068-2-1、GB/T2423.3 / IEC60068-2-78、GB/T2423.4 / IEC60068-2-30、GB/T2423.34 / IEC60068-2-38、JESD22-A100-C、JESD22-A101-C。

This series of chambers boast of wide rang of limit temperature (humidity) and high precision of actual temperature (humidity) and can be applied in 
moist heat testing, high temperature testing, low temperature testing and testing of temperature gradually changing from high to low of the industrial 
products. Through testing of the State Quality Supervision and Testing Center for the Environment Testing Equipment, the testing chambers are in 
conformity with GB/T10586-2006 (Technical conditions for moist heat chamber), GB/T10589-2008 (Technical conditions for low temperature chamber), 
GB/T10592-2008 (Technical conditions for high and low temperature chamber), GB/T11158-2008 (Technical conditions for high temperature chamber) 
of the “Technical conditions for environment testing equipments".
This series of testing chambers carry forward the tradition of K-series, currently similar products of Espec Japan and had experienced the second remaking in 2007; they are customers-oriented and are devoted to improve the comfortable and practical nature.
1. 降低了整機噪音,由原先的73dB降至為66dB(國家標準為≤75dB)。
Noise of machine is lowered from 73dB to 66dB(national standard≤75dB).
2. 變更了加濕用水箱位置和方式;由原先的后置式改為前置抽屜式。
The position and the mode of the water tank for humidifying have been altered from the rear to the head-drawer water tank.
3. 變更了機械室的排散熱方向;由原先的后排風改為上排風(縮小了使用占地面積)。
The direction of heat dissipation has been altered from the rear to the top so that the machine occupies less space.  
4. 變更腳輪形式;由原先的移動、水平調整一體化腳輪改為萬向輪、水平調整支撐分體形式。
The truckle has been alrered from the original model of supporting stands with wheels to direct its movements to a renewed model of supporting stands and wheels of universal directions.

SET-Z-042U愛斯佩克ESPEC恒溫箱功能特點 Function and features
Z Series temperature (&humidity) chamber have introduced the advanced technology 
of Espec of Japan and are originated in the country
SET型產品能滿足以下標準   SET products can satisfy the following standards:
◎  GB-2423.1-2008(IEC68-2-1)試驗A:低溫試驗方法。
GB-2423.1-2008(IEC68-2-1)Testing A: Low temperature testing method.
◎  GB-2423.2-2008(IEC68-2-2)試驗B:高溫試驗方法。
GB-2423.2-2008(IEC68-2-2)Testing B:High temperature tesing method .
◎ GJB360.8-87(MIL-STD-202F)高溫壽命試驗。
GJB360.8-87(MIL-STD-202F)High temperature life testing.
◎ GBJ150.3(MIL-STD-810D)高溫試驗方法。
GBJ150.3(MIL-STD-810D)High temperature method.
◎ GBJ150.4(MIL-STD810D)低溫試驗方法。
GBJ150.4(MIL-STD-810D)Low temperature method.
滿足標準 Standards satisfied
SETH型產品還能滿足  SETH products can also satisfy :
◎  GB2423.3-93(IEC68-2-3)試驗Ca:恒定濕熱試驗方法。
GB2423.3-93(IEC68-2-3)Testing Ca:Constant moist heat testing method.
◎ GB2423.4-93(IEC68-2-30)試驗Db:交變濕熱試驗方法。
GB2423.4-93(IEC68-2-30)Testing Db:Alternate moist heat testing method.
◎ GJBl50.9-93(MIL-STD-810D)濕熱試驗方法。
GJBl50.9-93(MIL-STD-810D)Moist heat testing method.

Advanced and convenient P metering and measurement device
P metering device is equipped with 6.5-inch TFT liquid crystal touch screen, and Chinese color display picture. Varied testing programs can be set on the device. The programs are edited through dialogue mode. Those use it for the first time can also operate without any obstacle. Automatic operation mode that can maximumly save energy will be realized through making the most simple temperature and humidity value setting. The function of back-up operation can shorten the halting time of the equipments and cut down time consumption for the users. The metering device can give detailed alarming, display the content of fault and manage the fault records to provide convenience for fault clearing. The function of timer of the device brings into reality the pre-set automatic starting and stopping operation of the device at any time.

Static volume humidity sensor (Option)
Humidity metering has broken through the traditional method of dry and wet bulb metering. The humidity sensor utilizing the method of static volume determining needs no longer wet-bulb gauze and has overcome the defect of the generally poor water quality of China, and has simplified the use procedure and improved the reliability of the products in operation.

Electronic expansion valve control technology
The cooling system employs electronic expansion valve to control the flow and evaporative temperature of the cooling medium, and controls cooling through stepless mode and has realized stepless regulation of cooling. Compared with capillary control, it has stronger stability, more various energy construction effect and more accurate controle temperature and humidity.

Paperless recorder + CF card + carder reader (option)
采用高分辨率的5英寸單色液晶顯示器,具有曲線、棒圖、數字、總覽、歷史曲線,一覽等多種顯示方式. 多種數據保存格式和觸發功能可以更有效地保存數據,并且通過外部CF卡使數據得到雙重保護,即使突然斷電,也能對存儲數據進行保護;使用操作簡便,還可以通過PC對數據進行處理、打印和轉換用戶需要的格式。
It utilizes the 5-inch single-color liquid crystal display monitor with high resolution and has multipledisplay modecontaining  cure, bar, digital, surf, historical curve and list etc. 
Various kinds of data saving format and touch-off function can more effectively protect the data that can obtain double protection through the external CF card. Though 
in case of sudden power cut-off, the data in memory can also be protected. It can be conveniently and simply operated and can handle, print the data through PC and 
switch the format according to the need of the users.

型號 Model
SET-Z-022R ,SET-Z-032R,  SET-Z-042R,  SET-Z-102R  ,SET-Z-022L  ,SET-Z-032L  ,SET-Z-042L  ,SET-Z-102L  ,SET-Z-022U ,SET-Z-032U  ,SET-Z-042U  ,SET-Z-102U 
電源 Power supply  AC380V  3φ4W  50Hz 
zui大電流 Maximum current(A) 12.3 14.6 14.6 14.8 14.7 16.9 16.9 21.8 17.3 26.2 26.2 34.9
功率 Power (KVA) 4.1 4.6 4.6 7.1 5.6 6.1 6.1 11.1 6.1 10.1 10.1 18.7
控制方式 Control mode 平衡調溫方式(BTC方式) Balanced temperature control system (BTC system)
使用環境溫 / 濕度 Operating temperature +5~+35℃ / ≤85%RH 
溫度范圍 Temperature range
-20~+150℃  -40~+150℃  -70~+150℃ 
溫度波動度 Temperature fl uctuation ±0.5 ℃以內 Within±0.5 ℃
溫度均勻度 Temperature uniformity
溫度偏差 Temperature deviation
±2.0 ℃以內  Within±2.0 ℃
升溫時間 Temperature heat-up rate
-20~+150℃ 60分鐘以內
-20 ~+150℃ Within 60 min
-40~+150℃ 70分鐘以內
-40 ~+150℃ Within 70 min
-70~+150℃ 70分鐘以內
-70 ~+150℃ Within 70 min
降溫時間 Temperature pull-down rate
+20~-20℃ 45分鐘以內
+20 ~-20 ℃  Within 45 min
+20~-40℃ 60分鐘以內
+20 ~-40 ℃ Within 60 min
+20~-70℃ 80分鐘以內
+20 ~-70 ℃ Within 80 min
外殼材料 Exterior material 鉻不銹鋼板表面拉絲加工 Cr stainless steel plate (fi ber drawing)
內膽材料 Interior  material
鉻-鎳不銹鋼板表面研磨加工 Cr-Ni stainless steel plate (2B polish)
隔熱材料 Insulation
硬質聚胺脂發泡+超細玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam+Ultra-fi ne glass wool
制冷方式 Refrigeration  system
Mechanical Single-stage refrigeration system
(Air-cooled condenser)
Mechanical cascade refrigeration system
 (Air-cooled condenser)
壓縮機 Compressor 全封閉往復式 Hermetically sealed rotary compressor
壓縮機容量 Refrigerator Capacity(KW) 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2x2 1.1+1.1 2.2+2.2 4.4+4.4
節流裝置 Expansion Mechanism 電子膨脹閥 Electronic auto expansion valve system
Thermal expansion valve+Capillary
溫度傳感器 Temperature Sensor
T 型熱電偶  Thermocouples Type T
溫度控制器 Temperature Controller
P型計測裝置(觸摸式TFT6.5英寸顯示屏) P-instrumentation(6.5-inch TFT color LCD)

內容積 Inside capacity(L) 225 306 408 1000 225 306 408 1000 225 306 408 1000
內部尺寸Inside dimensions W×H×D(mm)
W 500 600 600 1000 500 600 600 1000 500 600 600 1000
H 750 850 850 1000 750 850 850 1000 750 850 850 1000
D 600 600 800 1000 600 600 800 1000 600 600 800 1000
外部尺寸Outside dimensions W×H×D(mm)
W 910 1010 1010 1460 910 1010 1010 1460 910 1010 1010 1460
H 1815 1915 1915 2295 1815 1915 1915 2295 1815 1915 1915 2295
D 980 1180 1180 1385 980 1180 1180 1385 980 1180 1180 1385
重量 Weight (kg) 290 325 330 525 300 335 340 545 310 355 360 565
標準配置 Fitting
觀察窗1個、電纜孔1個(Φ50mm 、位于左側面)、擱板擱條2套、萬向腳輪、箱體水平調節支撐器、獨立溫度過升防止器、箱內照明燈(熒光)、時間信號端子、試樣電源控制端子、箱門開啟/未鎖緊警示裝置等
Viewing window, cable port (Φ50mm . on the left side) , shelf and shelf bracket( 2 sets) , univer salcasters,casing leveling support, overheat protector, chamber la mp (fluorescent lamp), time signal terminal, specimen power supply control  terminals, door unlock  alarm device
        Measurement of circulation operation at +23℃ ambient temperature under no laod.
        Including motor cover and casters.


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